“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Dr Jane Goodall
- What is “Planetary Stewardship” / Pilotage à la planète ?
OKRs 2022
OKRs 2021
OKRs 2020
By 2030, transition into a sustainable lifestyle that is as compatible as possible with 1.5 ºC pathways; prepares our family to be resilient to changes caused by climate change, and be happy.
By 2021, I want to:
- be back in Australia - finish our life experience and "close the chapter"
- Have developed new professional skills at Google that will be helpful for the future
- Have developed a solid understanding of environmental issues and be able to talk about them in a positive and constructive way.
- Have calculated the carbon footprint of our family and established a plan to reduce our family emissions